By Pete Stockton

A lot of people think the Bible doesn’t have anything to say about wealth and money. Money is a new thing, a sign of the modern times. They didn’t have US dollars or Japanese Yen in the Bible. In the Bible, people traded sticks and stones or maybe cows and sacks of rice. The Bible can’t teach me anything about wealth and money management.

But that is where you’re wrong. In fact, the Bible has a lot to say about wealth, money and the riches. People say money is the root of all evil. You’d be surprised to discover that the Bible says otherwise. At least, it isn’t money that’s the root of all evil, but rather the desire to have more money and wealth than you need.

Here’s an excerpt from the Bible about the love of money.

“He who loves pleasure will be a poor man; He who loves wine and oil will not be rich.” PROVERBS 21:17


The Bible makes it clear. It’s okay to seek pleasure every now and then. It’s okay to appreciate wine and oil from time to time. But to fall in love with pleasure and oil and wine excessively, if they’re all you ever think about day in and day out, and it’s starting to affect your otherwise “normal” lifestyle, that’s something else. The Bible does not condone that kind of attitude towards money and wealth.

Do you remember this popular television show back in the 1980s called The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous? It used to be such a big hit. Everyone wanted to see for themselves all the spoils and riches that the wealthy enjoyed inside their mansions and penthouses. I’m pretty sure everyone who watched that show was a little bit jealous about living in a matchbox compared to the cribs those rich people lived in. Why isn’t life fair? Why can’t everyone live in a 4-storey house with 10 bedrooms and a sauna tub in each bathroom?

Don’t you see what’s wrong here? People who have so much money make it their priority to earn even more money to support their glorious lifestyles. Their number one priority is to get rich and get even richer. They forget the one sole reason why they were even living such a comfortable lifestyle in the first place – God. And putting anything else before God is a serious violation of the commandment:

“You shall have no other gods before me.” EXODUS 20:3 NIV

God wants us to appreciate all things in life. Yes, even money and all that jazz. But first and foremost he wants us to put Him above everything else. We should not put our love for anything before our love for Him, especially the love of money, an earthly possession you wouldn’t be able to take with you to the grave, no matter how much of it you have. The Bible says,

“Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase.” PROVERBS 3:9

Put God first, and a comfortable life with come knocking on your door as a gift from Him.

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